Get to know all about us


We are is a grassroot non for profit organization in Kenya  that brings together farmers, farmer organizations , other NGOs, government, academic institutions, health institutions and professionals, private sector and other stakeholders promoting community development. We work to build a better world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect while promoting sustainable development for the communities we serve.


Our goal

To work with individuals and communities at the grassroots to design solutions together that are aimed at transforming lives.


Our mission

To help communities build resilient, productive and meaningfu l livelihoods by alleviating hunger, poverty and suffering



Transparency: open and trustworthiness s in what we do
Boldness: we are willing to innovate with courage to lead the change
Efficient: Timely and cost effective in delivering solutions
Sustainable: Long term development orientation
Professionalism: Proficient in delivering solutions that transform lives
Tolerant: To each other and emerging changes in the world

Our Team

Simon Nyagah

Passionate about building a sustainable community where everyone can thrive

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Our 2021 Volunteers

Our Volunteers 2021